Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Two Love Birds...

I'm passionate, but I'm not too mushy.  It makes my insides well up, I screech a high pitch sound, and I feel utterly uncomfortable.

But sometimes, things are just too emotional and I become a big sap.

But then there are times that are so deep with emotion that only my heart can hold it, treasure it, and value it for what it is.  And although my face says very little, my hearts speaks it with a million melodies.  And that time happened today.

Today, the little boy who drove me nuts and pushed my limits as a kid, who was my roommate for 6 months before I moved out of home and into one with my husband, who can make me laugh harder than anyone other than Jon yet cry harder than anyone other than Jon, who argues every word literally it drives me mad, and who I call brother, stepped into the shoes that are making him leader of his home as he took his bride and started the adventure of building their own family.  Their own home.

Today my brother, Jimmy, and Sis in Love, Jen, flew to Alaska for their base where they will get to go house hunting, buy necessary items we don't ever think about but always seem to use (like a spatula), decorate their space, fight over bills, go to bed mad, but wake up and make up, and make a home where HE gets to be in CHARGE and SHE gets to RUN IT.  Or vice versa.  Whatever.

They will be missed, but I can't even grasp my own excitement for them as they get to fly away and make a nest.  And even though their little niece is walking around looking for her uncle who will play her guitar or auntie who will chase her with her camera, she knows how truly she's loved by them.  And  she'll miss the bond and relationship she had with her Auntie and Uncle, but I promise to remind her over and over again about the time she had with them.  

To read more about their new adventures in Alaska, follow her writings and pretty pictures (because although I took this images, it was her camera gear that did most of the work) by visiting her blog,  To Airman Hammer and his beautiful bride, Jen, I love you and happy HOME MAKING!


  1. Oh my goodness - this entire session is absolutely gorgeous.

  2. jhen these pictures are gorgeous! :)

  3. These are such great pictures. I love how you captured them, albeit with her camera gear. haha

  4. aw I just checked out her post and boy did I wipe some tears away. What a blessing to be so close to your brother and his wife. Now you will certainly have somewhere in ALASKA to stay at! Being from southern California I don't know if I could make such a big jump but I definitely would love to be able to go out there and visit. Blessing to you and your family and travel mercies to your brother and sister in "love". I love that title btw!


  5. WOW beautiful pictures as always Jhen! I can't imagine my brother moving so far away. All the best to them though!

  6. Oh, and P.S LOVE the look of the blog

  7. Lovely photos! I know you'll miss them, but what an adventure moving to Alaska! Thoughts for both of you as you make this big adjustment. :)

  8. A beautiful tribute to your bro and sis in love!!!
    Made my heart beat fast as I thought about those first few months of marriage in a new home with a hubby in my bed.

  9. These pictures are amazing. I love her polka dotted dress and long curled hair with his uniform! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I wish you lived closer, I'd have you over anytime!

  10. so did I read that right that your sis in law has the same name as you? ;0. What BEAUTIFUL pictures of your bro and his wife. This is really a special tribute post to their love and their new journey. I pray God blesses them every step of the way!!

  11. (Sing to the tune of "If you're happy and you know it")

    If you'll miss 'em and you know it, post a blog
    If you'll miss 'em and you know it, post a blog
    If you'll miss 'em and you know it, and your face don't want to show it
    If you'll miss 'em and you know it, post a blog

    You kids make a mom proud.

  12. I love it : ) They have such sweet smiles. And they look so young and innocent : )

  13. Gorgeous photos! Love them all.
