Friday, September 16, 2011

They Say

I love the moments when complete strangers stop me and say, "You're daughter is just beautiful."  I give them the biggest grin and my most sincerest thanks, because I believe them.

I've committed to my little one, more undivided attention.  Something I didn't always give her a lot of.  And the more I spend time with her and the more I learn her quirks, spunk, and personality the more I see her beauty radiate beyond those big brown eyes.  Because she has a sweet gentle heart.

She's delicate and I enjoy nursing it and watching her spunk coincide with her exquisite sense of her girlness.

They say she's beautiful.   I believe so.


  1. She is beautiful! Love all the pics, great job as always. In the 4th pic she looks so grown up.

  2. I love the pictures with her hands in her pockets. Robi just discovered that, too...and I think it is SOOOOOO cute. yes, she is absolutely GORGEOUS! :)

  3. adorable pictures...she's just so beautiful

  4. She's a doll! You're raising a wonderful little girl.

  5. She's getting so big! I hope I get to meet your beautiful girl in real life one day! You are a great Mom Jhen!

  6. The hands in the pockets. Adorable! And I feel that way about Jude when people say he's handsome or cute. All moms should, and I'm glad you do!

  7. Gorgeous! Little girls are just the best. I know mine is. :)

  8. She really is beautiful! She looks so grown up since the last time I've been to your blog! You also take gorgeous pictures of her of course, those big eyes are so pretty!

  9. and she really is... Such a beautiful little girl. And her big eyes! your blessed darling. in so many ways. love the pictures!

  10. i love that we get to see her grow along with you... thanks for posting her gorgeous pictures.

  11. She really is quite captivating with those big eyes, beautiful smile and sweet expressions. Isn't having a girl so much fun! and I really do love getting to watch other sweet kids such as Joss grow up in the blog world. Someday....I'd really love for our girls to meet..though mine might bite yours right now so it's good that it wait for a few months. lol:)

  12. golly! she is a cute!

    found your cute blog through the arizona rassums!

