Monday, September 10, 2012

Inside My Home // The Workspace

 Above is a before a shot of when I just set it up.  They are two mismatching pieces donated to me.  I already had the book shelf.  And I love how well they went together.
 And here's a sneak peak of what's to come.  My goal is to learn to mix classic treasures with modern pieces... mostly because my husband is afraid our home will be over run with old ladies' stuff.

I have really come to love being thrifty.  And since I haven't been adding a lot into our income, it has been very exciting to learn how to be creative with our home and our finances.  I've been fascinated with the simple lifestyle and the kind that encourages us to be minimal.   So I plan to blog about our projects, our home, our lifestyle, and all that it takes (including the costs we spend on our projects... hint hint- VERY LITTLE to FREE).

So stay tuned, this blog is almost ready to go full force.  And starting tomorrow, I have a MAJOR announcement ;)


  1. it looks so cute! I love how you are mixing modern and vintage finds :)

  2. I love it, it is so beautiful!! :) I wish I had a workspace like that!! :)

  3. yeah:) can't WAIT to hear the news...and love the projects...keep 'em coming girl! love Katie

  4. I think that's great! I love how both pieces work together, and I love how you did the desk. It all looks so neat and nice and organized!! Way to be thrifty!

  5. your work space looks so fresh! I can't wait to hear the news!! :D

  6. I love this! So cute!

  7. it looks really nice... great job with all the little accents!

  8. It's lovely! I love the white and the bright colours. But I don't like how you say you have a major announcement to make and then make me wait till your next post!
