Through Josselyn's heart...

Mom and I had to stay home just about every day since we didn't have a vehicle 'cause daddy worked, so we easily developed a daily routine. I would wake mommy up in the early morning and we'd play together for a few hours. Then we'd go wake Auntie Jacky up around 9:30am and she'd come join us in our room to play. Her and mommy would then make breakfast (sometimes I would get to join if I hadn't already fallen asleep for my morning nap) only to be ready at 11:00am to watch Gilmore Girls. That show made mommy and Auntie Jacky act silly. Once I even saw mommy jump on the bed and scream.
Auntie Jacky would usually stay around for the rest of the day. She'd bring in her nail "stuff" and make them look all pretty. She also let me sit on her lap like a big girl and watch some TV with them. I felt so special.
On special days, we'd get to borrow a vehicle and mommy, Auntie Jacky and sometimes Auntie Jensen, would get to go on adventures (usually stores so they can shop for me). Auntie Jacky would sit in the back with me and make sure I was ok in my car seat. Mommy says that she isn't sure how she'll drive without Auntie Jacky in the back with me. She's a little scared, but I think she'll be ok.
Auntie Jacky always knew how to calm me down, rock me to sleep, and make me smile. I miss her so much and I can't wait 'till she comes back so we can go to Disneyland!
HEART MELT! Josselyn, babygirl, I just know you're going to be a writer like your mommy! Love you both!