Saturday, January 1, 2011

Designing Blogs?

I have to say, I'm pretty exited and proud to say that I was given the chance to design a blog for someone other than myself.  And here's the product!


Make sure to check our Jess Hekman and her blog.  She's an amazing photographer and great crafter.  I think her blog is about to produce some pretty amazing stuff worth your google reader ;)

And, I'm thinking there might be a chance a "Blog Design" option will be provide via From Here to Eternity... we'll see.



  1. WOW! What an amazing blog you made :) did you make that tree in the header all by yourself?

  2. Oh wow, such a beautiful design! & I definitely am liking you're blogs new look:)
    I wish I knew a thing or two with html and whatnot to fix my own blog, but I must say I'm quite hopeless when it comes to that stuff lol.

  3. it looks so good! would you be interested in doing a blog for me? there would be $$ involved for you :)

  4. You did a great job with her design!

  5. I LOVE it! You did a fantastic job! Thank you so much.... you are so sweet :)

  6. Beautiful! You definitely should be a blog designer. Well done!

  7. Jhen, I would love to have you do a new design for my blog. Let's talk!!!

  8. did a great job! love the concept and color!

  9. The design looks GREAT!! Blog design MAY be in your future!! :-)

  10. It looks so clean and beautiful. I need to learn some tips from you. Each time I re-do mine I forget what I did the time before, so I am not sure I am getting any better. I want mine to look more simple and clean, as yours does.
